Cookies, cookies galore!!! Oh my goodness, after this weekend, I might have to consider changing the name of my blog! On Saturday, my friend Kirsten (who is a pampered chef consultant) had an "open house" at her home. She featured pampered chef, another lady did Mary Kay, and another had Gold Canyon Candles. And I sold cookies! I also had pictures of all my cakes. I didn't sell a ton of cookies, but I was pleased with the amount and Jay took a bunch of leftovers to his work today. Plus, who doesnt love cookies...I'll give some away too! Don't get me wrong, I love cakes, always will...but I have become obsessed with cookies as well! They have a lot of advantages that cakes don't that I enjoy also...for example, its easy to take a couple cookies to someone, versus an entire cake. And since watching others enjoy what I make is what really drives me, thats a big plus for me!
So...are you ready? For lots of cookie pictures? You might want to go to the bathroom first or grab a cup of coffee!
Ok, here are my favorites...beautiful cupcakes!! (I tried various swirls on top...trying to decide what looks best.)
so fun :)
Close-up of a couple with Disco Dust..absolutely beautiful!!
These flowers were some of my favorites as well. Pam at
Cookie Crazie does the most amazing stitch work on cookies. I tried my hand at them also, and L-O-V-E-D the results. (I promise I have my own ideas, but since I'm just starting the cookies, I have to try some of the awesome stuff I see others do...that's not bad, right?!)
These little umbrellas were too cute. Love the stitches too!
These little coin purses were cute..but they need some work. (Can you tell the one is an attempted zebra design??)
Some favorite is the white one with polka dots and stitching.
Pretty butterflies...although that white/pink/blue one got a little "drippy"!! :)
high heels!
Ok, and even though I have more to share...blogger or my internet is being sloooooow. I'll be back later!